
CEO 인사말

Message from our Founder

I first visited Cambodia in 2003. The country, and Khmer culture, stole my heart. I traded a materialistic and self-centred corporate life for one focussed on creation, community, and positive impact. Since 2003, I have been working passionately to create an oasis of calm and inspiration on this magical stretch of the Kep coastline.

The Artof Travelling

As with the art world, where it should not be the name of the gallery but the artwork of the artist that needs to inspire, in the travel world it should not be the brand name but the experience which should inspire, and give deeper meaning to your private time.

When “essence” disappears, the art of travelling has no purpose and no added value can be created, but when the experience becomes meaningful and real, the art of travelling can become priceless.

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